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Showing posts from November, 2022

It Whispers

It whispers: I can have the power over others . I’m foetal position under every blanket I have. I can’t breathe under the blankets, so the top of my head, up from my nose, is exposed in the winter night. I’m freezing because the bedroom heating won’t be fixed by the property manager. I can’t sleep very well, like this. And, I’m in a kind of half awake, half sleep state when I dream I heard a whisper: I can help you . I do need help. Weird stuff happens to me all the time. I’ve always seen the shadows of people in my periphery. I’ve seen them in the corridors outside my various apartments. I hear the nails of the invisible dogs that follow me, sometimes. I’m only concerned I’m mentally ill and I keep all that to myself. When I moved into this particular one bedroom unit, all the weird stuff started happening inside my space. On my first morning I wake up to find every single cupboard and drawer in the kitchen open exactly two inches. It was the only time that had happened. A week later